FWSM: Food Waste Solution Map
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Both in the catering industry and in the retail sector, a lot of thought is already being given to avoiding unnecessary food waste. Systems are becoming more and more sophisticated and expanded, while also is been looking at to avoid throwing products away. From composting to dynamic discounting of products on the shelf. All parts help to achieve the goal. Advanced refrigeration and data systems also have a major impact on the shelf life of products. Offering Bio-Based products, for example, is a sustainable solution, both for the customer and for the entire food sector, as well as for recycling products afterwards. Just like in all segments of the food cycle, the mind-set is the most important element. The solutions, innovations and creativity are mainly in the mind-set of people. The biggest innovation is that we start to think differently. That it will become commonplace not to waste food. That we no longer think about it, but it becomes automatic. In practice, this creates new opportunities, by sincerely wanting to find a new solution. Food waste can be tackled with a lot of technology throughout the industry, but the mindset is the most important factor in the success of everything. Without this, all technical innovations are out of work. Implementation of Innovation requires a change of mentality!

Explore subsectors

  • Mindset
  • Education
  • Data systems
  • Aerosol tech
  • Recycling modules
  • Preserve
  • Labeling and weighting


The solutions, innovations and creativity are therefore mainly in the mindset of people. The greatest innovation here is, is that we start to think differently. That it becomes commonplace not to waste food. That we stop thinking about it, but it happens automatically. This creates new opportunities in practice, by genuinely wanting to propose a new solution. Reasonable options:

  • Portion buying behavior.
  • Consciously search for the possibilities and make them your own.
  • Make it a habit.
  • Look for the best conditions necessary to facilitate recycling.
  • See it as a game and make it a competition with others.


  • Calculatie onderzoek verwachte afzet/ benodigdheden
  • Voorlichtingscampagnes (voor consumenten)
  • Consortium-samenwerkingen om kennis te delen

Data systems

  • Measuring Waste by advanced calculations.
  • Better Labeling and prevent confusing' best before date labels

Aerosol tech

The correct humidity level prevents many types of fruit and vegetables from premature ripening or spoilage. There are various advanced options in both the storage and the sales area. Consider:

  • Use of advanced humidification equipment. (storage and sales area)
  • Data coordinated humidification equipment.

Recycling modules

Timely determination of expiry date, by price adjustment, composition or packaging options. Selling imperfect products results in less waste. Set up networks to donate or value residual flows on time.


Old conservation techniques have been greatly improved by the possibilities for more advanced equipment. Think of drying machines, vacuum options and the preparation of food. But also important:

  • Use of the correct storage equipment.
  • Discover how best to store different nutritional supplements.

Labeling and weighting

  • Portion buying/delivery
  • Data labeling